Tank Swap
This video game is a local multiplayer arcade tank game, where you and your friends shoot each other until only one arises victorious! At the moment, it is only available on the GameNite console, but is coming on Steam very soon for PC users! The music highlights the 16-bit arcade nature of this game with its chiptune-y funky soundtrack. My personal favorite is City Lights. Which one is yours?
Soundtracks | Video Game Music
I have been working with video game studios for a while, here are some examples of my work. Keep in mind that I cannot share my most recent tracks as the games have not been published yet, so the music needs to wait before being released.

Bert Must Die
This is a small video game that I made alongside my uncle and my brother in the context of a Game Jam. Basically, we had a limit of 3 people in the team and we had 7 days to build a video game from the ground up. We also had to follow a theme, which was Aqua. The game features a seahorse (Bert) fighting for his life while all sorts of ocean life wants to defeat him. Luckily he can get a lot of powerups!
More soon...

Soundtracks | 12 Images of Music
In the context of 12 Images of Music, a composition project on Instagram that invites any composer to participate, I have created a lot of short tracks with different vibes to touch a little bit of everything.

Horror trailer - March 2023
This is the trailer for Patrick Sénécal présente. The goal was to glue the quick cuts together using the music.
La cupidité - October 2022
This is a scene in the show Avant le crash. The goal was to map the audio scenes based on the video production. Disclaimer: explicit scene towards the end.
Faits divers - December 2022
This is the first scene of the first episode of the show Faits divers. The goal was to use the music to set the tone for the series and to enhance the visual work.
Soundtracks | Film Scoring
Having attended film scoring classes in Québec, most of my image scoring work is based on francophone scenes, here are some examples.